Orlando blogs...

Currently having loads of fun working my way through our massive range of wines. Fortunately I used to order my wine from Paul before I started working with him, which has helped me acquire knowledge. In addition I have sampled many wines during tastings and sampling. Unfortunately I am a avid long distance runner, with ahem, international honours. I try to limit my alcohol intake, which frustratingly hampers my sampling options. Hampers, yes, stops, absolutely and thankfully not....

So I get to the point. Held a belated birthday BBQ last sunny weekend. We served the Sacchetto Prosecco to the guests. First time I had tried it and it really hits the spot. A beautifully balanced sparkling drink with green fresh fruit on the palate. Then our friend Steve asked if we had any cassis. Like I didn't have enough to do, several young children bounding around and a BBQ about to combust, plus the first glass of Sacchetto went right to my head. Being the accommodating host, searched through the dusty and rarely used spirits cupboard, and there it was, a smart looking bottle of Crème de Cassis (a sweet, dark red liqueur made from blackcurrants). I guess the norm is for Cassis to be added to Champagne to make a Kir Royale.

A dash of the deep red syrupy liquid was then added into the glass of anyone who wanted it, erm, that would be everyone (later I just passed the bottle around, much more straightforward, by that point all hosting went out the window, or back gate). The combination of the red and fresh green fruit worked a real treat. Added a touch more sweetness but the dry prosecco still shone through. So gold star to Steve.

Will definitely be trying this combination again. I wonder if I can incorporate it into my training schedule...

Prosecco Sacchetto